13 ways on how to stop smoking yourself effectively and quickly

Most countries have been actively fighting smoking for several years and promoting a healthy lifestyle.A ban on smoking in public places encourages smoking cessationSmoking bans in public places motivate people to get rid of this addiction forever. However, this is not a barrier for many heavy smokers. However, many of them themselves are looking for a way to quit smoking effectively and quickly, and this is good news. Unfortunately, scientists have not yet developed a method of natural smoking without psychological suffering, but they are approaching to make it as easy as possible to separate smoking.

Body needs

Vitamin C in oranges is excreted by nicotine

When smoking, the body lacks important trace elements and vitamins that need to be replenished, preferably in a complex way, but some food groups need special attention.

For a long time, smokers have been removing large amounts of vitamin C from the body and nicotine has helped to replace it, so care must be taken to get enough ascorbic acid when quitting. The diet should include more foods with vitamin C - orange and lemon juice, currants, sea buckthorn, rose hips.

The urge to smoke is declining, but it is worth paying attention to the functions of your body, because people with intestinal and stomach problems should not exceed the intake of ascorbic acid.

Remember that it is advisable to exclude certain foods from your diet after you decide to quit smoking forever. These include products containing caffeine - coffee, tea, Coca-Cola. Only caffeine removes large amounts of nicotine from the body, and the body begins to demand replenishment of what is lost.

Bad habits

Drinking alcohol encourages smoking

Alcohol also increases cravings. Therefore, if you decide to quit smoking, limit the use of alcohol and it is better to give up completely first. The higher the level of alcohol, the greater the desire to take a dose of nicotine.

Another important factor in the fight against addiction is the internal psychological attitude. Practice hypnosis yourself, do not quit smoking and analyze all the positive aspects of the harmful effects of smoking on the body. This will be a good incentive to fight harmful addiction.

It should be noted that not everyone can quit smoking on the first try - this is completely normal. This is almost always a long time to work on yourself. Do not give up and continue to fight for your health, you do it only for yourself and for others.

13 applications recommended to quit smoking effectively

Find the most important reason.

Motivating yourself requires a strong and very personal reason. For example, not wanting to harm the health of loved ones with cigarette smoke. Or the desire to look and feel even younger and healthier, with less risk of lung cancer and heart disease. The main thing is that he wants it more than smoking.

Prepare yourself before you suddenly quit smoking.

It's not a good idea to just take the last pack of cigarettes and throw them away. This can lead to so-called withdrawal syndrome, when a sharp cessation of a certain addiction leads to a deterioration of both physical and mental health. It is wise to consult a healthcare professional first about how to reduce the smoking cessation period.

Consider replacement therapy.

Of course, you would like to think that everything is the power of the will, but in fact the physical dependence of the body can be more effective. There are various forms of specific medications that can gradually reduce the amount of nicotine that enters the bloodstream, thereby reducing the irritability, headaches, and other side effects of smoking.

Ask about medications in advance.

Smoking just seems like an easy game. Smokers who smoke one pack a day need medication to relieve symptoms after a sharp smoking. This type of medication should only be taken as directed by your doctor.

Don't give up on the support of your loved ones.

Share your resignation with your family. Warm words and understanding play a big role in everyone's life, because if there is such an incentive, it is easier to control yourself and ignore the desire to smoke. Love and support can be more effective than prescription drugs.

take a break.

Most smokers claim that smoking helps to relax. In fact, this is not the case, only the time to rest for a break from the smoke, which can be spent profitably and without smoking. Therefore, you should quit smoking and take some time to relax. It doesn't matter what you fill it with - sports, listening to music or a massage. The main thing is to show yourself that rest is possible without delay.

First, avoid coffee and alcohol.

Many people think that smoking is associated with alcohol and morning coffee. It is better to take a break so as not to irritate yourself and not to test your endurance for strength. If smoking becomes a habit immediately after eating, find an alternative - for example, brush your teeth or take a short walk.

Get rid of smoking reminders.

When you quit smoking, clean your home immediately of ashtrays, lighters and anything reminiscent of cigarettes. Do not leave these small things in the car. Everything must be cleaned and ventilated from obsessive odor, otherwise the attraction will be too great to resist.

If you fail, try again.

Don't try to log out if it doesn't work the first time. Analyze your smoking situation again and use this experience to prevent another accident next time. Set an exact date for yourself when you try to quit smoking again.

Act more and more actively.

Exercise helps to distract from the thought of smoking, and the hormones produced during it improve mood and body tone. From the outside, the result will be an additional motivation against smoking, which has nothing to do with the beauty and health of the body. If you can not do sports at all, then any physical activity will be done - work in the garden or an active walk with the dog, for example.

Eat more vegetables and fruits.

Under no circumstances should you diet when you quit smoking. If you deny yourself a lot, it will be more difficult to cope psychologically. To lose weight when quitting smoking, it is enough to replace snacks with baked goods and sweets for fruits and vegetables.

Calculate your benefits.

In addition to the unconditional health benefits, it is also beneficial to quit smoking. Calculate exactly how much money you will save by giving up smoking, lighters and ashtrays. Separately, try to estimate how much your work efficiency will increase with an accurate schedule without constant exits for a smoke break. Spend the money you save on entertainment to finally reward yourself by saying goodbye to tobacco.

Remember, time is in danger.

Is it hard to know exactly how healthy it is to quit smoking? Then maybe a few figures will help. It takes 20 minutes for the body to normalize its heart rate after smoking. After a day without smoking, the level of carbon monoxide in the blood returns to acceptable levels. The risk of heart attack begins to decrease 2-3 weeks after quitting. And in the long run - Damocles get rid of the sword of lung cancer.

We hope you make the right decision in time, and our article will help you decide how to quit smoking effectively and quickly. Bless you!