What foods help you quit smoking

Tobacco addiction is a tragedy and a serious threat to many people's lives. The love of smoking is a severe and persistent addiction that subjugates the personality psychologically and physically. Although many smokers tried to put an end to this, only a small part of them succeeded. After all, fighting any addiction is a real test of strength.

According to statistics, about 70% of smokers want to quit smoking, and about 80% of them have repeatedly tried to quit smoking. What prevents you from overcoming a deadly addiction? What tricks can you use to quit smoking once and for all? These skillful and effective ways should be known to anyone who decides to take the path of health and longevity.

quit smoking

Any smoker will always find a thousand reasons to justify his bad habit. The first step to quitting nicotine, of course, is to realize the irreparable harm that smokers do to themselves and others.

Here are some tips to help you quit smoking once and for all.

Why is it so hard to quit smoking?

So why does a person who knows how much smoking interferes with a full life and what deadly diseases it causes sometimes not be able to cope with this habit? The explanation for this must be sought in the nuances of human physiology and psyche.

According to statistics, in 2016, almost 60% of men and 15% of women consider themselves heavy smokers.

Psychologists have found an explanation for the persistence of long-term smoking habits. And they explain it for several reasons:

Ritual. For many people, smoking is a kind of savior, a tool that can help at any time. Tiredness, intense conversation, hard work, arguments, frustrations and the desire to relax only after a busy day - smoking everywhere helped to distract and relax. In other words, smoking has become a kind of ritual, without which not a day of the smoker's life would have passed.

Creates addiction. The mechanism of habit formation is extremely simple: nicotine very quickly becomes an integral part of human metabolism. As a result of regular intake of this supplement, the body stops producing certain hormones. They are replaced by nicotine compounds. That's why sometimes you want to crawl very hard - when the body needs this hormone.

Psychology. This aspect is explained only by the characteristics of the character. By the way, psychological dependence is the basis for the development of any addiction. Few people know how to deal with this feature.

Quitting smoking: the beginning

All tobacco workers who want and want to quit smoking should understand one important and basic truth - you should not plan to quit smoking and set yourself an "X" date. In most cases, such a planned event is postponed and disrupted. This is explained by ordinary psychophysiology.

One more thing will be added to the thought that you should quit smoking - regret for the past fragrant times. And such a disagreement will prevent us from moving to the "bright, smoke-free" side. But you need to know the following nuances and always remember.

Capable motivation

Good motivational relationships are extremely important in the fight against any addiction. In the case of smoking cessation, the motives will be an important factor that can support the will and help you not to give up.

Motivational motivation is based on the constant belief that quitting smoking will bring significant benefits that will be worth the time and effort.

Only motivation can survive the first time you quit smoking, and it can help your body resist the urge to smoke sometimes. Where can this motivation be found? It will be individual for each person. Here you can use the following parameters:

  1. Save money.
  2. own health.
  3. Diseases that already exist.
  4. The birth (or presence) of a child.
  5. Unpleasant odors from clothes, body.

Useful tips

Psychologists always advise you to keep some rules with you when explaining how to help the body after quitting smoking. You need to know, remember and implement them. This is especially important in the early stages of smoking cessation, when you wake up with withdrawal syndrome. Here are some simple tips:

  1. Do not starve yourself. Always carry nuts, crackers, dried fruit or seeds with you. So that they can always be used when you want to smoke.
  2. Don't accumulate negativity. Try to avoid unnecessary stress, do not get into arguments, conflict situations.
  3. Don't be alone. In the difficult first days, you need to provide maximum support from relatives, friends and acquaintances. People you can share problems with talk about success.
  4. Don't overload yourself. In the first days of quitting smoking, the body will be in a state of stress, you should not overload it. At this time, it is important to provide yourself with a good rest, but do not forget about all the pastimes that can distract a former smoker from the thought and desire to smoke.

Does substitution therapy help?

Withdrawal syndrome, which occurs after quitting smoking, brings with it many physical ailments and diseases. Symptoms include mood swings, weakness, and nausea:

  • tachycardia;
  • increased saliva;
  • increased sweating (hyperhidrosis).

These conditions are extremely tiring, but can be alleviated. Various nicotine-substituting drugs help. These can be patches, gums, tablets, sprays. They are not always successful, but they are still worth a try, and will probably be useful in this case.

In the first days of quitting smoking, you need to see a doctor. Your doctor may prescribe more effective prescription medications. These can be various antidepressants that help relieve negative symptoms and relieve irritation.

You can also use other methods: acupuncture, physiotherapy, hypnotic sessions to help quit smoking. Exactly what should be preferred, an experienced doctor will advise, paying attention to the initial state of health and the experience of smoking.

Healthy diet

Few people know that there are products that have become excellent helpers in the fight against smoking. When choosing a proper diet, it should be remembered that nicotine stimulates the production of "joy" hormones (serotonin and dopamine) in the body. These compounds give a person a good mood. That is why (in the absence of nicotine) a former smoker encounters:

  • apathy;
  • depression
  • depression;
  • kefi pis;
  • irritation.

And all these symptoms go against the background of a slow metabolism. But if you know which products help you quit smoking, you can prevent such problems. First of all, to stop the unpleasant manifestations, it is necessary to ensure that the daily diet contains a lot of:

  • meat:
  • greens;
  • fish dishes;
  • vegetable oils;
  • dairy products.

All of these foods are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These substances affect certain brain centers that stabilize mood. However, nicotine deficiency is successfully compensated by such foods:

  • kiwi;
  • palm;
  • plum;
  • banana;
  • tomato;
  • pineapple;
  • citrus.

Bitter natural dark chocolate perfectly improves the mood. Just don't deal with them too much. It is very high in calories and the love of "chocolate" is full of a number of extra pounds. Special attention should be paid to breakfast when planning a healthy diet. It should be saturated, consisting of high-energy foods. The list of energy products includes:

  • eggs;
  • mate tea;
  • walnut;
  • sea products;
  • apples and bananas;
  • natural honey;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • red meat (veal or beef).

Eat well, do not forget about physical activity. The period of separation from smoking is a great time to visit the gym and pool. This will protect the former smoker from unnecessary pounds and perfectly distract him from the obsessive desire to smoke.

Help from the folk pharmacy

Various healing recipes come to the aid of a former tobacco addict. There are many ways to help people overcome negative symptoms and stop withdrawal syndrome. Herbs and products with certain medicinal properties are used:

  1. A collection of catnip, dandelion and valerian. Steam all herbs (1 tablespoon each) with boiling water (200 ml) and insist in a closed bowl until cool. Strain the mass and take it with each cigarette request.
  2. Chop the oatmeal (250 g) until fine. Pour boiling water (500 ml) and bring to a boil. After brewing for 1-1, 5 hours, strain and cool. You should take 100 ml as soon as you become interested in smoking. You can add honey to taste.
  3. Dissolve baking soda (15 g) in warm water (200 ml). If you want to smoke, you should rinse your mouth with this solution.
  4. St. John's wort (25 g) is evaporated with boiling water (150-200 ml) and the composition is drunk during the day, replacing it with ordinary tea. John's wort contains components that have a calming and soothing effect.
  5. Crush the roots of the mountain and pour boiling water / (200 ml). Bring to a boil and simmer for 3-4 minutes. Then leave to infuse for 1-1, 5 hours. To smoke, you need to drink a decoction with every desire. This plant will help to develop aversion to smoking.
  6. Chop the leaves of the plant and steam with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 1-1, 5 hours in a sealed bowl. Then strain the mass and add honey (half the amount of the drink). It should be taken for a month, only 2-3 sips a day.
  7. Pour drinking water over oats, barley and millet. Boil the mass for 10-15 minutes and leave for a day. Then filter and take 200 ml on an empty stomach 3-4 times a day.

Use of nicotine-free cigarettes

The use of these herbal cigarettes can help you cope with your addiction and cravings for cigarettes. By the way, such cigarettes have long been known and successfully prove themselves as a reliable helper in such a benevolent work.

Nicotine-free cigarettes have been known since ancient India. Their names have survived in ancient Ayurvedic manuscripts.

The main difference is the complete absence of nicotine. This harmful compound has been replaced with other components. In particular:

  • various oriental spices: cinnamon, coriander, saffron;
  • Medicinal plants: thyme, thyme, mint, motherwort, St. John's wort, horsetail, sage, eucalyptus.

Such cigarettes relieve the unpleasant symptoms of smoking, eliminate the psychological dependence on smoking. Quitting smoking, using such cigarettes, successfully copes with nicotine withdrawal and helps to start a non-smoking lifestyle. You can buy such products in large pharmacies.

Nicotine-free cigarettes are not harmful to health. In addition, they have some therapeutic effects that have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system and the functioning of the respiratory system.


Considering the problem of smoking, scientists believe that smoking is a late suicide. The negative, lethal effect on health accumulates over 10-20 years. Most experts consider smoking to be one of the most powerful drugs.

But there are so many wonderful, exciting things and activities in life! It is very easy to replace one addiction (nicotine) with another - it is healthy and useful. Sports, hobbies, photography, cooking, sewing, yoga, etc. Each of these activities is better than smoking. Think!