Quit smoking gradually

to quit smoking

No one needs to be convinced that smoking causes irreparable damage to health.In the final rating of psychoactive substances, nicotine took the third place due to its harmfulness.. There is only heroin and cocaine ahead. It is the leader in terms of the formation of continuous dependence.

But knowing this, people are not in a hurry to change their habits, becausedon't want to be in an uncomfortable position. They are not sure that they will be able to get rid of their addiction even by gradually reducing the number of cigarettes they smoke.

Why is it hard to quit smoking?

The urge to smoke is fast becoming an essential part of a person's existence. After lunch or at a meeting with friends, a few sips become a kind of ritual.Both psychological and physical dependence is formed under the influence of nicotine.

This substance has a strong effect on the respiratory and central nervous systems, worsens blood composition, damages the immune system. It does not matter in what form nicotine enters the body: through cigarettes, hookah, vape or IQOS.

The dopamine reinforcement system is activated. The psychoactive toxin actively interacts with neurons and causes the release of dopamine, one of the main neurotransmitters of the central nervous system. Reinforcement of needs occurs on an emotional level. Since the nicotine is eliminated in about an hour, a new dose of positivity will soon be required.

The brain demands, and if the need is not met, withdrawal symptoms appear.The mechanism of tobacco addiction has been activated. It begins to work regularly after a few days of regular use of tobacco products. The individual becomes a hostage of his addiction.

Manifestations of addiction

Often, a person realizes that he cannot live without smoking, when he starts to feel nervous and unbalanced after a missed smoke break.Signs of persistent addiction include:

smoking addiction
  • the desire to smoke immediately after waking up in the morning, before breakfast;
  • increased concentration after a few breaths;
  • normalization of the general condition after the introduction of nicotine into the body.

Society's restrictive measures against tobacco users are ineffective. To say goodbye to the bad habit requires a sincere desire of the smokerand remarkable willpower, as not everyone can overcome withdrawal symptoms.

In order to get rid of tobacco addiction, you need to find motivation, eliminate the provoking factors as much as possible and strengthen your determination.A strong-willed person can make a decision to quit smoking right here and now and carry out his decision.. But only a few have a strong will, so most of them have to resort to quitting smoking gradually.

Who should not smoke

Many people want to say goodbye to harmful hobbies. But there are categories that should end their addiction to tobacco as soon as possible.These people are particularly vulnerable and cannot continue to inhale the smoke without harming themselves:

  • Children and adolescents, his body is not yet fully formed.
  • Women planning pregnancy or giving birth. Tobacco has a harmful effect not only on the woman herself, but also on the fetus. This can cause many physical and mental pathologies or even the death of the baby.
  • People diagnosed with heart disease. They are at risk of having a heart attack or stroke.
  • He suffers from respiratory problems: asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, obstructive pulmonary disease.

Even if a person does not belong to the risk group, he should think about how to gradually quit smoking as soon as possible.

How to say goodbye to addiction

You can give up the antisocial habit yourself or with the help of experts.Making healthy choices is the right decision. Experience shows that it is better to quit smoking gradually.

Psychological preparation

how to get rid of nicotine addiction

In order to get rid of addiction, it is necessary to determine the exact date of the start of the campaign.Be it the first day of some kind of holiday or vacation. If the urge to inhale smoke occurs most often at work, then start on a Saturday or holiday. To reduce the number of cigarettes smoked daily, it is necessary to draw up an approximate schedule.

If you write down the price of each new package on a piece of paper, you will get an interesting result at the end of the week. It can hit:a significant part of the family budget is spent on the purchase of harmful goods. Wouldn't the money be better spent on more useful purchases?

The right mental attitude will not only strengthen your determination, but also help you achieve your goal.

Action plan

Among the recommendations of doctors and psychologists is this: do not buy cigarette packs. Buy a new pack only if there are no pieces left in the previous pack. If you need to smoke, you should not open the package right away, it is better to hold it in your hand for a minute or two and during this time do something small: do 2-3 physical exercises, call a friend, just take a walk.

It is better to postpone the first cigarette in the morning as long as possible and to put away everything that reminds of smoking.Cheeks and ashtray move to the back corner. The cigarette case is removed from the pocket. An addict must use any means necessary to extend the time between doses of nicotine.

You can draw up a scheme in which you should introduce smoke-free days - first one, then two, three a week. This approach is fully consistent with the advice: you should quit smoking slowly.


consequences of smoking

Strong motivation is essential to support the desire to achieve a goal.The birth of a baby, which should not harm his health, or the wishes of his beloved wife - these are very important motives.. If you make a bet with a friend that you can say goodbye to smoking, it will be easier to resist smoking - this is a matter of principle, you need to win the argument!

For many, it is important to prove their strong-willed qualities. In this case, it makes sense to tell your relatives and friends about your decision and strongly reject the possibility of smoking.In this case, breaking the promise is fundamentally unacceptable..

Motivation can be not only external, but also internal. The desire to increase self-esteem, maintain health and feel self-respect is the strongest incentive.

Breaking a habit with the help of medicine

If a person is not sure whether it is possible to gradually quit smoking, it makes sense to go to a clinic. The narcologist will help you create an optimal schedule to get out of the situation., will select substitute drugs and, if necessary, prescribe a sedative drug.

Replacement therapy

Medical methods are aimed at relieving anxiety while quitting smoking. This is facilitated by means that ensure the entry of nicotine into the body in small doses.With this technique, the brain is "fooled" by offering it a very small dose rather than the usual dose.. This reduces the level of dependence.

To relieve withdrawal symptoms, use:

nicotine patch
  • nicotine patch;
  • anti-smoking spray;
  • nicotine gum;
  • inhaler.

The use of these tools gives only a temporary effect and does not solve the problem of complete liberation.

Psychotherapeutic activities

Psychotherapy techniques help to adapt the person's mind and eliminate the subconscious desire for tobacco products.

Psychotherapists use the following methods:

  • Erickson's hypnosis;
  • rational, cognitive, behavioral psychotherapy;
  • Allen Carr technique.

Experience shows the high effectiveness of psychotherapeutic effect. The result can be achieved in several sessions.


acupuncture against smoking

Acupuncture affects reflexogenic points and activates the body's defenses.Affecting certain areas prevents nicotine addiction.

When you quit smoking, you get angry. And acupuncture helps relieve symptoms of nervousness. Mood improves, resistance to stress increases.

The effectiveness of the method depends on the professionalism of the doctorand the patient's desire to quit nicotine addiction.

Concluding the conversation about how to quit smoking, we emphasize that it is not just about making a decision.It is important to take action without leaving anything for tomorrow.. Any long journey begins with the first step. Start small and gradually reach your goal.