How to smoke and catch properly: smoking rules

Health promotion, which is widespread today, cannot reduce the number of smokers. However, most people are not aware that they are not smoking according to the rules and that they are harming themselves. Wrong smoking is more harmful to the body.

How to smoke properly

What problems do you see when smoking?

Just take a cigarette, light it, keep it on your lips, and then breathe. But in fact, everything is a bit more complicated, there are some rules and features that must be taken into account when smoking. If you follow them, you can slightly reduce the damage to your body. In this article you will learn how to properly hold a cigarette and how to smoke.

  1. What to do first?

    There is a simple behavior that occurs in people who smoke for a long time. Before lighting a cigarette, they either slapped the box inside or lightly tapped it on the table to shake the contents. They do the same thing when they take a cigarette out of the package. From the outside, it may seem like a kind of forced ritual or a kind of nervous habit. But if you ask a smoker why he does this, you will find that he weakens and weakens tobacco in this way. The result of this manipulation is that smoking is easier, lasts longer and will not be as strong.

    The next step is to find out how to store cigarettes properly. To do this, you need to squeeze the bottom of two fingers. It is best to squeeze between the index and the middle. Then lower the cigarette.

    It is known that most male smokers prefer to squeeze their cigarettes with their index and thumbs, thus hiding the smoker's mixture from others.

    To hide your bad habit, you should hold the cigarette in the same way, and at the same time bend your fingers towards the palm. As a result, smoking may be less visible on your hands.

    Now let's light a cigarette. It can be used as a match or lighter. The cigarette should be squeezed between the lips and brought to the opposite side of the fire. At this point, you need to start breathing air. It's like drinking a little liquid with straw - these actions are similar. The moment you light the flame, wait until the cigarette starts to burn on its own. Without waiting for it, it will simply go out, so it should be given a chance to ignite. The smoking process of a cigarette must be uniform.

  2. General methods of smoking

    How to smoke properly? There are many different ways. We will share with you the most used ones.

    The main ways to quit smoking
    1. You should start with this: hold a cigarette between your lips. Hold it with your fingers, ignite it and inhale the smoke. You should not do it too hard, otherwise you will have a severe cough.
    2. To enjoy tobacco, you need to hold it in your mouth for a few seconds to cool the smoke.
    3. Then the smoke should be removed from the mouth. This should be done with slightly compressed lips, as in a kiss.
    4. The whole smoking process should last up to half a centimeter from the filter to the smoked tobacco.
    5. Don't forget to shake the ashes. This should be done after every second or third puff. You need to shake the ashes by holding the cigarette with your thumb and middle finger, tapping it near the burning edge with your index finger.

    The French method of smoking is also common among smokers. After inflating, the smoke must be inhaled through the mouth, and then it must be inhaled through the nose again.

    In addition, there is a well-known method of breathing smoke through the nose. For example, a person does not smoke and breathes immediately without inhaling or exhaling the smoke. Thus, it reaches the lungs with difficulty.

    If you fall into the trap of bad habits, especially smoking, when you want to smoke, you need to learn not only the rules of the process, but also the rules of behavior.

    A person on how to start smoking will look clearly awkward during the process. For an aesthetic look, you should try to follow smooth movements while drawing and not cough.

  3. What are the smoking rules and how are they?

    You've learned how to smoke and how to smoke properly, but it's not enough, it's also important to learn the unofficial etiquette of smokers.

    etiquette rules for smokers

    The following rules apply:

    1. If you have finished smoking a cigarette, it should be completely extinguished.
    2. You must ask permission from the owner or driver of this property before lighting a cigarette at a party or in someone else's car.
    3. Smoking while walking is considered extremely bad behavior. This is acceptable for men.
    4. It is not uncommon to talk with a cigarette in your teeth, put out the smoke in front of your interlocutor, or surround yourself with other people.
    5. If you have not finished smoking and you put your cigarette in the ashtray and it goes out, you should not light it again.
    6. Do not throw ashes on the floor while smoking indoors. To do this you need to use an ashtray.
    7. If a woman decides to smoke in the presence of a member of the opposite sex, the man must bring a light cigarette.
    8. If someone asks you to smoke, you should know that it violates the rules of etiquette, and you can do it only in extreme cases.
  4. What do you need to know about smoking?

    1. Never smoke where there are flammable substances.
    2. Smoking on an empty stomach can cause nausea.
    3. Smoking can cause miscarriage in pregnant women.
    4. Nicotine triggers the onset and exacerbation of ulcers, intestinal colitis and other problems with the digestive system.
    5. Nicotine poisoning from smoke often affects the lungs, larynx, esophagus and other organs and causes cancer.
    6. Second-hand smoke is as dangerous to health as active smoking, especially for people with asthma and heart problems.
    7. Reproductive male and female function is directly dependent on smoking.
    8. You should not smoke in bed, because the smoke from a smoked cigarette can hit the fabric and catch fire.
    9. Beginners may develop symptoms of nicotine poisoning. Until the body becomes accustomed to the bad habit, the symptoms can manifest themselves as nausea, dizziness and vomiting.
  5. As a result

    In this article, we have explored in detail how to hold a cigarette and how to smoke. Decide for yourself whether you are addicted to this bad habit. Before you start smoking, you should be aware of all the health consequences and risks that smoking can provoke in relation to yourself and your loved ones.