Quit smoking calendar

Quitting smoking is not easy for many people. A smoking cessation schedule can help you end your unhealthy habits.

Quit smoking calendar

The speech calendar allows you to study and prepare for all the changes that will take place in the body.

What is the speech calendar

The smoking cessation calendar for months and days is a strong support in overcoming nicotine addiction. This allows the body to react to the release of nicotine at different times and to prepare physically and psychologically for possible difficulties.

Note!In addition to keeping track of changes in your body and psyche on a calendar, it is recommended to keep a diary, as it helps to better understand the causes of tobacco dependence.

Often, the desire to smoke another cigarette is associated not with the body's physiological need for the next dose of nicotine, but with certain psychological triggers. For example, a cup of coffee in the morning or a break from work is strongly associated with smoking. At such times, you need to see the urge to smoke and move on to another, more rewarding job. For example, you can add another entry to your diary or call your loved one.

What to expect from the body

The daily calendar of a smoker who has quit smoking contains all the probable feelings and experiences that accompany the process of quitting smoking. People who quit smoking often experience the following symptoms:

  1. Nicotine accident. This is a very painful situation, especially in the first days of quitting.
  2. Additional information.The intensity and duration of withdrawal symptoms are different for everyone. However, in most cases, after a few weeks, the body independently restores its ability to produce the required amount of nicotinic acid, and the physiological desire to smoke disappears. It is more difficult to get rid of psychological dependence.

  3. Psychological disorder. The main reason why people continue to smoke is not physiological, but psychological. Smoking is perceived by the smoker as a certain ritual, with which he reacts, responds to various situations in life. With the rejection of ordinary ritualized actions, the psyche is often left with a lot of empty space that has nothing to fill. Thus, when under normal circumstances there is nothing to hold your hands and mouth suddenly, a person who has just quit smoking often feels anxious and worried.
  4. Exacerbation of chronic diseases is often hidden. It is the annual calendar of a heavy smoker who suddenly quits smoking that allows us to understand that the unpleasant physiological symptoms that occur in the first weeks and even months of smoking cessation are signs of cleansing the body, restoring the normal functioning of its systems and organs.

Emotions and thoughts

A person who quits smoking may experience completely different emotions: from self-pity to pride. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to get rid of the idea that smoking cessation is a violent asceticism that requires a ban, hard work and the most severe self-control.

Quitting smoking can be easy and fun. You just have to agree with your subconscious, convince your "inner child" that living without smoking is more interesting, more pleasant and "colder", that giving up smoking can be a real pleasure.

For example, smokers lose their sense of smell and taste. But this process can be reversed. You just need to stop smoking and familiar dishes will sparkle with new shades. Why not the most hedonistic reason to quit smoking?

the girl is preparing to quit smoking

Helps to tune in to the right wave of reconsideration of global life goals. It is important to understand why all these changes take place in a normal way of life. For example, a rare woman never wants to be a mother. When you realize that the pleasure of smoking is nothing compared to the health and well-being of the unborn child, it is easier to give up the bad habit.

Preliminary preparation

It is not recommended to quit smoking without serious preparation. After all, it means to subject your body and psyche to a strong shock. It is better to give yourself a week, two, a month to mentally prepare for the upcoming events.

You need to analyze in writing and for yourself all the "pros" and "cons" of smoking and quitting. If a loved one insists on quitting smoking, you should not put a tick in front of the "health" item. We are already talking about the value of the relationship and the comfort of the partner. Only finding real and positive motives will make the process of changing your lifestyle easier.

Then you need to observe yourself and note the situations and emotions that make you quit smoking. Then you need to come up with compensation activities. For example, many people smoke to calm down. For the same purpose, you can use different breathing exercises, visualization techniques, drink herbal teas. You can turn any of these activities into a hobby, a new, "healthy" addiction.

It is not necessary to throw away all the lighters, ashtrays and other things reminiscent of the old habit. Sometimes a hidden box "for rainy days" helps to withstand the process of quitting smoking nicotine more calmly. The lack of emotion when looking at your favorite cigarettes in the past is a sign of ultimate freedom from nicotine addiction.

Leave the smoking calendar for months

After reading the details of the expected changes in the body for the coming year, he will not be surprised by any reaction to smoking and will not lose faith in the correctness of the decision.

The first month without smoking

This is the most difficult period, characterized by unstable physical and psycho-emotional conditions. Therefore, it is desirable that the first days and weeks without smoking coincide with weekends or holidays. It is easier to get rid of withdrawal syndrome with a decrease in physical tension, the number of stressful situations and an increase in the number of new positive impressions.

healthy foods to quit smoking

To minimize the unpleasant consequences of nicotine starvation, it is recommended to include in the diet more green vegetables and fruits rich in pectin (apples, oranges, apricots, plums). Buckwheat, legumes, nuts will help to compensate for the lack of nicotinic acid. You can use motherwort decoction to reduce nervousness and improve sleep.

Restoration of taste leads to increased appetite, which can have a negative impact on body weight. Therefore, do not abuse sweets and high-calorie foods.

The second and third months

The active recovery phase begins in the lungs. Periodically, dry mouth, cough, and sputum production may occur, especially with increased physical activity. But this is a good sign - it means that the body has the resources to cleanse.

The cardiovascular system is also subject to changes. By the end of the third month, vascular tone returns to normal and the former smoker stops suffering from dizziness and migraines.

It is important!The end of the three-month cessation period is a critical period for many to return to smoking. Therefore, it is necessary to stay away from temptations. Any attempt to smoke can "remember" the taste of cigarettes and return a person to the ranks of smokers.

From the fourth to the sixth month

The work of the gastrointestinal tract is restored, stools are normalized. The ability to fully absorb all the necessary nutrients returns to the intestines, which improves the condition of the skin. In the early stages of smoking cessation, itching can no longer bother a person.

Many ex-smokers find it easier to breathe by the fifth or sixth month, as if their lungs are dilating. This is a sign of recovery of the broncho-pulmonary system. It is recommended to start exercising from now on.

quit smoking and exercise on a stationary bike

Cycling, swimming is still the best choice for physical activity for a weakened body.

seventh ninth month

At this stage, the production of cough and sputum is practically no longer a concern. You are allowed to include running and strength training in your training program.

At the same time, many have forgotten the difficulties of the first weeks of release, but the power of the habit is still great. It is important not to allow the cigarette to burn mechanically "on the machine".

from the tenth to the twelfth month

Physiological dependence on nicotine is completely eliminated. However, the risk of returning to the old habit is still high, as many people continue to feel psychological discomfort due to changes in their usual daily routine, the loss of some communication elements. Until a person learns to fill these psychological "gaps", the desire to smoke and "work" can continue to torment him from time to time.

Advice for people who quit smoking

Ex-smokers should not be criticized for any recurrence. It is better to combine each of his most insignificant successes with positive emotions: praise, sincere admiration for the will shown, a gift. Also, another step in overcoming a bad habit can be celebrated by spending free time together at the request of the one who has completely given up. Only positive emotions, expressions of love from the closest people will give the smoker the necessary mental strength to change.

Does it help daily?

Experience shows that daily nicotine is a very effective tool for many in the fight against addiction. Here you can throw away all your negative emotions and celebrate your success at each stage of the shoot. Learning about other people's social diaries and the positive experiences of quitting smoking is as inspiring as anything.